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960 Communicable Diseases

Authority: Approved by the Board of Trustees
Last Updated: December 10, 2021
960.1 Prevention Requirements

A “communicable disease”, as defined by Indiana law, is an illness due to a specific infectious agent or its toxic products that arises through transmission of that agent or its toxic products from an infected person, animal, vector, plant or inanimate environment to a susceptible host, either directly or indirectly. Indiana State University will take reasonable steps to discourage the spread of communicable diseases within the University community, especially those diseases which may be considered life-threatening. This may include implementing infection control guidelines to stop or slow the spread of infectious diseases.  Requirements may include required immunizations, the use of protective equipment, behavioral guidelines or directives, isolation and quarantine protocols, and cleaning and disinfecting guidance and directives.  These requirements will vary significantly depending on the infectious disease and the ease of its transmission.  Within the communicable diseases category are a wide variety of infectious illnesses, which vary greatly in mode and ease of transmission, the seriousness of effects and in the means of prevention and treatment. Any employee, student or visitor may be requested to provide proof of immunization or vaccination records as required or allowed by Indiana law or University policy or directive.

960.2 Responsibility of University Community

All units of the University have the responsibility to promote sound health practices through educational programs, to assist persons who may have health problems to receive proper attention, to exercise special care when communicable diseases are suspected of being present, and to conform to Indiana health laws and regulations and orders of the Vigo County Board of Health concerning the reporting, testing, immunization, and documentation of the current immunization status of employees, students or visitors. 

960.3 Special Dangers of Contagion.

If there are occasions when special dangers of contagion require unusual actions including removal from campus activities or facilities by any part of the University, such actions will be as a result of recommendations by the Vigo County Board of Health, the Director of the ISU Student Health Center or other local, state or federal public health officials. The President or the President’s designee may take such action as may be necessary to address special dangers of contagion. Individuals who have, or suspect that they have, a communicable disease are encouraged to seek and to follow the best medical advice available.

960.4 Education and Awareness.

The University seeks to discourage the spread of communicable diseases through programs of education and awareness, prevention and early detection, and special care.

960.5 Confidentiality.

The confidentiality of medical records of students and employees who seek information about, obtain testing for, or receive treatment for communicable diseases or otherwise in the possession or control of Indiana State University is protected by state and federal law. ISU will cooperate with local, state and federal officials as to the reporting of information as required by law.

960.6 Enforcement

Students in violation of this policy will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Integrity for appropriate disciplinary action. Employees in violation of this policy will be referred to the Office of Human Resources who will consult with the appropriate Vice President for possible disciplinary action.

960.7 Beyond Scope of Policy.

This Policy is not meant to be exhaustive of all diseases or situations that might possibly threaten the University community or what actions may be taken in response to those threats, but it is a general guide for assessment and corresponding necessary steps to take when the University operations are effected by communicable diseases. 

960.8 Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan

The ISU Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan, complies with the requirements of the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1030 and, the Indiana Administrative Code 410 IAC 1-4 and identifies procedures to eliminate or reduce the risk of contracting a bloodborne disease at ISU facilities and activities. A copy of the Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan is available in the Environmental Safety Office.

  • 960.8.1 Application. The Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan applies to all employees of Indiana State University, including part-time and temporary staff, who may as a part of their employment come into contact with blood, infected lab animals, or other potentially infectious material. The Office of Environmental Safety is responsible for development and implementation of this plan. 
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